This innovative personal healing course provides a structured format for you to learn and get personal feedback on 35+ skills essential to this unique and powerful system of healing mind, body, and soul through your soul centers.
Learn to use your life problems and illness to discover the spiritual meaning of them FAST, to find and heal flaws in self (via your soul energy centers) that then transforms those problems and lifts you to greater spiritual vision, Grace, and unity consciousness, higher and higher each time!
You will receive step-by-step skills write-ups by e-mail to begin practicing right away. Then personal consults and check-ins are done with me by phone or video. Go at your own pace in four parts:
Part 1 - Soul Center Awareness
(8 skills with 28 exercises, 80-min. consult, two 20-min. check-ins)
Learn basic soul center concepts and my unique model of the soul centers. Learn how to detect the health and illness of 12 aspects of your soul/psyche--including the health of your beliefs and decisions in each area, where you are perceiving ultimate reality accurately and where not, where you have true faith and where not, and where you are truly open to receiving and giving and where not. Practice opening your soul centers in two ways, and feel the positive effects on your mind, emotions, and body. Get to know the qualities of your personal spiritual essence, and more.
Part 2 - Your Soul Center Belief Configuration
(10 skills, 60-min. consult, two 20-min. check-ins)
Learn how to trace your life problems and illness to specific unhealthy beliefs, dualistic consciousness, and disconnection from the divine using your biofield and soul centers. This skill brings so much clarity and detail and can be life-changing! Practice listening to 12 different parts of your soul and psyche. Clarify what specific spiritual lessons your life events have been trying to teach you. Realize that for complete happiness and health, it is vital for all parts of your soul to be working healthily together. Begin to join parts of your soul through both consciousness and energy unification exercises. Practice receiving spiritual guidance to support you in your healing process, and more.
Part 3 - Soul Center Precision Releases
(8 skills, 60-min. consult, two 20-min. check-ins)
Learn how to completely release soul confusions, pain, and trauma on the deepest energetic and emotional levels. This is ultimately what opens the way for complete healing, renewed vitality, and soul/psyche reunification. Learn how to work with the Holy Spirit in this process, and how to bring truth, love, and reality to all the parts of your soul that have been waiting for it. Learn how to detect when a deep release is actually happening and when not. Practice a thorough mood lifter exercise which reconnects you to spiritual truth in multiple ways, and more.
Part 4 - Soul Wholeness
(9 skills, 60-min. consult, two 20-min. check-ins)
Practice complete soul center self-assessment. Be enlightened by feeling the soul centers of a spiritual master. Learn how to track your progress. Learn a methodology to ensure that all soul releases are done in the best order and at the right time for you. Know when all soul releases for a given problem are complete. Expand your spiritual guidance abilities. Learn methods of experiencing healing and wholeness in difficult relationships. Practice perceiving the soul state of others and of organizations. Learn aspects of receiving physical healing from spirit, and more.
Length of Course
This is a self-paced course. Allow 12-24 months or more to complete it. True mastery of each skill may take much longer, but you will at least have some exposure to each one.
Course Fee & Payment Options
Each part of the course costs $250. There are 4 parts, so total cost is $1000. Pay for each part as you go.
Payment by Zelle or U.S. check is preferred.
You can also pay by PayPal transfer to my e-mail address or by credit card via Paypal here.
Additional Consults
The course fee includes a minimal number of personal consults with me, designed to answer your basic questions about the course material. For additional personal help (most people need this to progress steadily), schedule more personal consults with me as needed (not included). See consults page for fees.
Note: A prerequisite for the Soul Health for Whole Health II professional course is completion of 24 60-minute personal consults with me, so please plan accordingly if you wish to proceed to that course, such as 1-2 consults per month. This requirement is designed to give you significant time to become proficient with the material relevant to your own soul process before you begin practice sessions to help others. The 4 full-length consults included in the course count toward the 24 consults required. (20 additional 60-minute sessions x $150 each = $3000)
This advanced course is primarily for professional use, designed for professionals in the healing arts (therapists, ministers, doctors, nurses, energy healers, life coaches, etc.) who have completed Soul Health for Whole Health™ I. This is an apprentice program. If you are not a healing arts professional but you still want to acquire additional skills to use in your personal life and in your relationships, you may still register for this course.
You will practice and get feedback on perceiving your clients' soul energy centers and the unhealthy dualistic beliefs related to their life problems and illness, as well as on your ability to guide your clients through the stages of their soul healing process. Great importance is placed on how you interpret what you perceive. You will submit 2 case studies before each of 24 apprentice sessions with me by video. You will also be required to progress with your personal healing process.
Length of Course
This professional course is self-paced. One apprentice session per month is suggested in order to complete the course in 24 months.
Course Fee
Each of the 24 60-minute apprentice sessions costs $400. I will be taking 1-2 hours beforehand to evaluate your case studies, so I can provide you with feedback and suggestions during our video meeting. Pay for each session as we go. (24 x $400 = $9600 total)
Note: The four or so years of my SHWH personal and professional trainings provide you with my very advanced and integrated mind-body-soul, consciousness and energy healing tools at less than 1/4 of the cost of the trainings I did.
Payment Options
Payment by Zelle or U.S. check is preferred.
You can also pay by PayPal transfer to my e-mail address or by credit card via Paypal here.
Professional Certification
Upon completion of this course, you will receive Soul Health for Whole Health™ certification. If you are a healing arts professional, you will be certified to use this mind-body healing system with individuals in your practice or ministry--so those in your care can progress deeper, further, faster. You will not be authorized to teach this material in a course or in group settings, or to certify others. Contractual agreements to do this may be available in the future.
Note: To be certified, you must demonstrate professional level proficiency in all the skills taught in Soul Health for Whole Health™ I and II. If you are not proficient in certain skills after the 24 apprentice sessions, you may be required to practice further and to have more apprentice sessions until you demonstrate full proficiency.
Prerequisites for this course are: completion of Soul Health for Whole Health™ I and satisfactory completion of 24 60-minute personal consults with Kelly
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Legal Notices: Kelly McDowell is a certified energy medicine professional, soul doctor, and spiritual teacher, not a licensed mental health professional. SHWH services, materials, and products are intended to provide biofield healing support and mind-body-soul health coaching, not as a substitute for needed medical, psychological, or nutritionist services. User freely assumes any and all risk of use. Kelly McDowell owns all intellectual property rights to SHWH materials and methods. Personal use is encouraged. Professional use is limited to those who have successfully completed the SHWH II professional course.
Copyright ©2019-2025 Kelly McDowell
You get 20 minutes extra consult time with me ($50 value) when your referred friend has a first consult with me or begins the Soul Health for Whole Health I course. Thank you!